Mon, 25 June 2007
Direct download: Ironman_Talk_Roth_Interviews_-_Chris_McDonald_and_Thomas_Hellriegel.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 20 June 2007
Direct download: Ironman_Talk_Roth_Interviews_-_Chris_McMormack.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:00am EST |
Wed, 20 June 2007
Direct download: Interview_with_Felix_Walchshofer_-_Ironman_Talk.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 18 June 2007
Mon, 11 June 2007 This weeks news Badmann breaks 70.3 record Plantar Fasciitis for Cam McCormack parts way with Kestrel. Results: 1-5 Ironman, Scloss IM distance, Eagelman 70.3, One 0 One. Coming up: IM Japan, UK 70.3, heaps of Halfs around the world. Hot topic Should there be a separate Kona IM for those that can’t qualify for October. Would you go? If you want to add a comment click here: add comment then open the discussion. Age grouper of the week Laura Sophiea is this weeks Age Grouper. Laura manage to win the 50-54 age group at the Eagleman 70.3 in an amazing time of 4:48.53. She did a 28.52 swim, 2:29.04 bike and a 145.33 run. That’s a super race. Laura, you are our age grouper of the week. Website of the Week Quite a few of our listener have sent this one through to us. Podrunner is a dance mix that comes in different BPM. Here’s their bit on their website: Steve Boyett maintains two popular podcasts: iTunes Top 50 Music Podcast Groovelectric (dance music mixes of what he calls the New Old Funk), and Podrunner (driving, nonstop, one-hour workout mixes). Podrunner is one of the world's most popular podcasts, and was an iTunes People's Choice for Best New Podcast 2006. High 5 Neil Scholes has done the work this week. The took the initiative and wrote us up a great high 5, How to improve triathlon performance. 1. Get a coach or get some coaching advice. 2. Do what you coach says! 3. Be Patient. 4. Be consistent with your training. 5. Put things in perspective. 6. Have fun! Neil wrote up a great document with lots of detail, click here to get the pdf: Neils High 5 Coach’s Corner John and I cover how to get sponsorship as an athlete. We broke it down into six different sections: 1. Who to approach? 2. How to approach them? 3. What can you offer? 4. What you proposal should contain? 5. What to ask for? 6. Maintaining the relationship. John’s written up a piece on this. It will be up when he gets his new website up. This weeks websites. 1-5 Ironman: Scloss: Eagelman 70.3: One0one: Macca’s bike change: Pirates on Youtube: one two Ironman Japan: UK 70.3: Cheap movies Website of the week: Podrunner Questions and Answers. We had a few questions. Iron Rust, Ironmen Don’t, Train Hard, Train Smart: Kia Kaha |
Mon, 4 June 2007 This weeks news Results for: Austria 70.3, Switzerland 70.3, Hawaii 70.3, Bala HIM, Weymouth HIM. The weekends races: Scloss IM distance tri, Eagelman 70.3, One o One. John Blazeman Dies. Macca seems to be doing a lot of racing early season, like the big 4 used to. Hot topic Get out the popcorn and then tell us what the best tri or endurance sport movies are. Let us know when you can get them from. If you want to add a comment click here: add comment then open the discussion. Age grouper of the week I listen to your show every week and look forward to hearing about "all things Ironman" I would like to nominate an age grouper of the week. His name is Mark VanAkkeren. He is 27. Yesterday at Honu 70.3, he won the swim with a 24:09 and kept pace with the pros on the bike with a 2:15 bike split. He ended up going a 4:16, and won his age group by 16 minutes or so. He was the second amateur finisher. I know for sure that before the race he was drinking some coffee from "Coffees of Hawaii" I can't think of a better guy to receive this distinction. Maybe you can talk him into coming to epic camp this January. Cheers guys, Rob Website of the Week Kat Walbert sent us through this weeks website. The website is: Here’s what they say the website is about: collects videos from around the web about triathlon (with a particular focus on Ironman) and related sports, with the goal of providing inspiration, information and entertainment to athletes and spectators around the world. It launched only on May 25th, so please bear with me as I build up the library! And please send advice, feedback, submissions to triathlontube at gmail dot com. Cheers, James. I love this site because I get a mention on it! Thanks Kat. Coach’s Corner John and I cover how to get sponsorship as an athlete. We broke it down into six different sections: 1. Who to approach? 2. How to approach them? 3. What can you offer? 4. What you proposal should contain? 5. What to ask for? 6. Maintaining the relationship. John’s written up a piece on this. It will be up when he gets his new website up. This weeks websites. Austria, Switzerland, Hawaii 70.3: Bala HIM: Weymouth: One Iron 226: Scloss IM Distance: One 0 One: Questions and Answers. We had a few questions. Iron Rust, Ironmen Don’t, Train Hard, Train Smart: Kia Kaha |