News: Results from IM Barcelona, IM Taiwan and Xterra World Champs; Kona wrap up; Iron Century; No Gomez at Kona 2017; Selling IV at races.
This Weeks Discussion: Steve Morris send through this question: If triathlon was a more mainstream sport do you think a performance like Ryf would be being questioned? In many other sports as soon as someone dominates in the way she did at Kona their performance is questioned. What do you think? Comment here.
Website of the Week: Lee Spoor sent through this amazing site that creates a cool visual version of your training ride. Check it out here:
Interview: This week we have an interview with Pro Athlete Dimity Lee Duke. She shares what it's like to be a pro in Asia, her road to becoming a pro, and what her goals are in the sport. Check out her Facebook page here:
This Weeks Websites: Benn Coubrough's website; Finn's infograph on his race.
Go to for all of the notes.