Sun, 29 July 2007
Episode 70 Ironman Talk This weeks news Lake Placid 2008 sells out in minutes, there are community spots left. Ironman Talk competition! We had a great pair of Oakley transition sunglasses that Rolland sent through for us to review. We decided that we would have a competition to give them away. So here’s what you need to do: Create an ad for Ironman Talk, around 30secs to a couple mins long, put it on and then link to it on Athlinks. We’ll pick three finalist and then we can all have a vote for the winner. Entries close at the end of August. It’s time to create! Topic of the week What are the best parenting tips we can give for the age group Ironman athlete? How can you fit training around 3 kids? Click here to add your comment. Age grouper of the week Steve Hollingsworth send through this weeks age grouper, here’s what he said: Not sure if it's too late to nominate age grouper of the week from Ironman Austria but would like to nominate my mate Dan Lynch. Like me, this was his first Ironman race. 3 weeks out from the race Dan injured his knee but still toed the start line to give it his all on the day. He was doing well on the swim (1h15) and bike (5h40) but the knee blew up again on the run. He strapped the leg up and pushed on with true Ironman grit and determination for a painful 55h26 marathon. Becoming an Ironman, he crossed the finish line with a time of 12h35. Product Review Centre Showdown DVD Nuun High 5 After talking about Molina’s body being tired from training for so many years Windmagnet sent through this weeks High 5: What life is like for the aging athlete. 1. Permanently stuffed; 2. Stiff and sore and worried about injuries – every little niggle is a worry 3. Always trying to go faster; 4. Struggling with diet – easy to eat too much and put on weight even when doing the big miles; 5. Tough to get out of bed and out on the road in the dark in winter. And this is only in the easy base building section of my year with about 12 to 14 hours a week. Thanks Windmagnet Website of the week Ken Wallace sent through this weeks Website of the week for At dawn on August 25, a small group of swimmers will wade into the chilly waters of Lake Tahoe and begin swimming. As a group, they will swim about 44 miles over 2 days – that's more than twice the distance across the English Channel, or roughly 30 times the distance from Alcatraz to San Francisco. Their route will be a diagonal across the middle of the lake, which will take them over areas that are almost a mile deep. We're determined to succeed not just for ourselves, but for the League to Save Lake Tahoe, which helps keep the Lake Tahoe basin pristine, and for the National Brain Tumor Foundation, in recognition of a friend who is undergoing treatment for a brain tumor this summer. Please consider making a gift to one of these charities to help us reach our goal of $10,000 in donations. Visit our website at for more details. Your support is greatly appreciated! This weeks websites Placid sell out, community spots available, Showdown DVD, Nuun websites of the week: Iron Rust, Ironmen Don’t, Train Hard, Train Smart: Kia Kaha |
Sun, 22 July 2007
Episode 69 Ironman Talk This weeks news Results: IM Lake Placid, Vineman 70.3 Prize money increase at Timerman. Races coming up: Kalmar tri, eXtremalna Sobota. I’ve put INMZ 1990 on YouTube. It’s the closest IM finish ever. Get the link from ‘This Weeks Websites’ lower down on this page. Ironman Talk competition! \We had a great pair of Oakley transition sunglasses that Rolland sent through for us to review. We decided that we would have a competition to give them away. So here’s what you need to do: Create an ad for Ironman Talk, around 30secs to a couple mins long, put it on and then link to it on Athlinks. We’ll pick three finalist and then we can all have a vote for the winner. Entries close at the end of August. It’s time to create! Topic of the week If you were to start over again as an Ironman what are the products that you would save your money on. What things have been a waste of money? Plus which products were worth the money spent. Click here to add your comment. Age grouper of the week Jim ‘Jolly’ Rogers sent through this weeks age grouper. He’s a good man because he’s he sent through his girlfriend as this weeks age grouper. Denise ‘The Red Hammer’ Wood completed her first Ironman in Coeur d’Alene in a time of 12:52. That’s a great first race! Well done Denise, you are our age grouper of the week. Jim also mentioned that a previous AFOTW winner, Mac Brown, manage a 13th overall in the same race. Website of the week \Here’s a site that Skip Kreymborg sent through: I started triathlons in 1986 and have raced ever since including a 1999 Hawaii Ironman finish... back in the day everything was neon and wild....there is a company here in the states that promotes clothing of all wild prints... I have had a saddle cover for years.. mine was getting old and worn out... I asked the company if they made them..(was not able to find them anywhere) they didn’t know what one was , so i mailed them mine. They used it as a prototype and mailed one back to me. I love it! I was asked to send in a pic and now I am on their website. Go to click on products then on to bike seat cover. thanks for your support on this. \ Paul Andreas, who is based in Kansas City, sent through this weeks club website. KC mutisport is a great place to catch up with your tri buddies in Kansas. Check out their random photos! Here’s the website: Coach’s corner This week I, being Bevan, take the coach’s cap and give tips for competing in Roth. There’s heaps of insight into what to look out for in this great race. This weeks websites IM Lake Placid, Vineman 70.3, Timberman prize money, Kalmar tri, IMNZ 1990: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, training peaks, attack point. websites of the week:, Iron Rust, Ironmen Don’t, Train Hard, Train Smart: Kia Kaha |
Sun, 15 July 2007
Episode 68 Ironman Talk
This weeks news
Results: world long course champs, Lake
Stevens 70.3.
Races coming up: IM Lake Placid,
Vineman 70.3.
Ironman Austia 2008 sold out in 19 hours!
Race Director for the 101 races.
Rhoysey wins half.
Ironman Talk competition!
We had a great pair of Oakley transition sunglasses that Rolland sent through for us to review. We decided that we would have a competition to give them away. So here’s what you need to do: Create an ad for Ironman Talk, around 30secs to a couple mins long, put it on and then link to it on Athlinks. We’ll pick three finalist and then we can all have a vote for the winner. Entries close at the end of August. It’s time to create!
Topic of the week
When I interviewed Macca in Roth he came up with the idea of having a metal system for Ironman races. So for example a 13 hour athlete would get a bronze, 11 hours silver and so on. Do you think this is a good idea? Give us your reasons if you do or don’t. Plus if you think it’s a good idea how should it work. Click here to add your comment.
Age grouper of the week
Alan Hanley sent through this weeks age grouper. Lee Jackson, who’s getting married in a few weeks, had a great race in Germany. He managed to do a time of 9:18. The reason he got age grouper was because his goal was to beat my time in Roth. He managed to do it by one minute. Well done Lee, you are our age grouper of the week!
Website of the week
Here’s a site that Matthew sent through:
have you guys ever been over to It's a site devoted to high-end cycling etc. but a lot of time you can get a lot of good information about equipment and some of the latest and greatest tech that has not been released. what i also like about it is that a lot of the contributors are from outside the us and have a real passion for the sport of cycling.

James Flynn sent us through the first club website: HEAT--
Hartford Extended Area Triathletes it's a good club, we have at least one Kona qualifier so far.
High 5
David Liversidge gave us this weeks high 5 on how to improve your swimming. Thanks for that David.
1) If you are not a good swimmer - get a coach or at least someone to look at your stroke.
2) Distance per stroke - By this I mean MAXIMIZE your stroke.
3) Work on drills every session.
4) Swim with your hips.
5) Don't cross the center line.
6) Don't kick to much.
Questions and Answers
We have questions and answers again this week. The main one we cover is what to do when you have a pack that just sits on your tail and you can’t drop them.
This weeks websites
World long course champs, Lake Stevens 70.3, IM Lake Placid, Vineman 70.3, Austria sell out, Triathlon 101 race director, Rhoysey wins, website of the week:,, female Germany finish,,
Iron Rust, Ironmen Don’t, Train Hard, Train Smart:
Kia Kaha
Mon, 9 July 2007
Episode 67 Ironman Talk This weeks news Results: Ironman Austria, Ireman. Races coming up: World long course champs. $200,000 US prize money at IM Korea. Ironman Talk competition! We had a great pair of Oakley transition sunglasses that Rolland sent through for us to review. We decided that we would have a competition to give them away. So here’s what you need to do: Create an ad for Ironman Talk, around 30secs to a couple mins long, put it on and then link to it on Athlinks. We’ll pick three finalist and then we can all have a vote for the winner. Entries close at the end of August. It’s time to create! Age grouper of the week Jacek Nowakowski is this weeks age grouper. There were lots of reasons why he is but the main reason was he is such a great supporter of Triathlon in Poland. He backs a lot of the Polish Ironmen by providing coaching, training camp and gear funding. It’s people like Jacek that make a difference to our sport. Website of the week Tom Newman is setting up a kids triathlon in New York. We thought we would give his website a plug because it’s such a good thing for kids to get involved in. Here’s his website: We are adding a new aspect to the Website of the Week section of the show. We want to hear about your triathlon club’s website. Just email it through to us. The Terminator is back, T2!  We got together with Scott Molina last week to talk about how to prepare and race in Kona. He shared lots of good insight into what to do to be successful in the biggest race in our sport. Thanks Scott, You’ll be back ;-) This weeks websites for Austria’s results, long course champs, $200,000 for IM Korea, website of the week:  Kia Kaha
Direct download: Episode_67_Ironman_Talk_-_Scott_Molina_on_training_for_Hawaii.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Sun, 1 July 2007
Episode 66 Ironman Talk
Bevan�s Roth Interviews
Felix Macca McDonald Hellriegel Llanos
While I�ve been in Roth I�ve been a busy boy getting interviews. These are all the interview I could put together while I was in Roth. I have managed to line up a few more for the future. I found every pro to be friendly, profession and a good advertisement for the sport. Check out their websites:
Some photos from Roth
Ralf and Silke were amazing on race day, they took loads of photos. Here are three, if you want to all of them click here: Ralf�s photos plus Ironman Coach David Glover,, has some photos here: Davidsphotos
Age grouper of the week
Stuart Steele competed in Roth, he�s a regular listener of the show. The cool thing about Stuart was that he did the race with his father Ian. I couldn�t find their results on the web but they did managed to get the local newspaper the next morning. Let us know how you went Stuart. It must have been an amazing experience to share with your dad.
Website of the Week
Michael Secrest broke the world 24 hour world cycling record. He road 535.86 miles in the time. This is impressive in its self but Michael is 54! This guys is unbelievable!
Here�s the website with the report and photos:
High 5
Rob Ritchie sent us through this weeks High 5. Getting your colleagues bosses involved in your sport to make your training life easier
1. Train with your bosses / colleagues
2. Write up a blog / update for company newsletter
3. Enter colleagues in team races or corporate challenges
4. Write up a beginners training programme (copy one from a mag)
5. Set up a visible progress chart
6. Wear company logo on race kit (and get some photo�s in it!!)
Interview with Eneko Llanos
I was at the airport and I saw Eneko Llanon. I went up to him and asked him if he could do an interview, being the champ that he is he agree. It was great to get his perspective.
This weeks website for all the race results. Cycling drugs, website of the week:
Iron Rust, Ironmen Don�t, Train Hard, Train Smart:
Kia Kaha
Direct download: Episode_66_Ironman_Talk_-_Eneko_Llanos.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am EST |